Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Beginnings: Metamorphosis

What are some of your New Year’s resolutions-lose weight, change jobs, get a promotion, write a book, learn to meditate, and/or become a millionaire? Believe it or not these are all obtainable. Yes they are! All it takes is a shift in thought-to believe you can. Like the little book, “The little engine that could!” You can too! Your family background, your ethnicity, or your age does not make a difference. Believing in YOU makes the difference!
For most people, change is very scary and carries with it a fearful mindset. But if you take away your fear you can conquer mountains! Grandmother always said, “With faith of a mustard seed you can move mountains!”
Mary Magdalene, a prostitute, became a vessel to wash the feet of Jesus. Remember she was ridiculed and some wanted to stone her. However, she was used of God to anoint the holy Christ! It is said that Lincoln was no prophet, and yet he changed the course of history! He was the man to steer the country in a time of great moral, economic, and social change. He claimed his destiny and was used to change the human cruelty of slavery. Joan of Arc was but a teenager when she led a revolution to free France from English rule.
Do you think you could lead a revolution? What about the revolution in your mind? For some, the revolution is faith that they will make it through today with enough money to buy some food, or make the mortgage payment. Some people need faith to find shelter after an eviction. Some struggle with addictions and obsessions of unimaginable proportions! For others, it is moving on after a relationship! Moving in, moving out, and moving with the flow may all be painful, but moving can bring metamorphic beauty!
Changing your mindset to believe that God is in control and that all things are possible through Him is the new beginning! Step out in faith and believe that you too are meant for success-abundance beyond your wildest dreams!
Getting out of bed with a smile is not always easy, although, this is the very thing that needs to happen to start a new day. You can place a CD player in your bedroom or use an alarm clock with a radio set to a station with happy, lively music. Watch how you can set the tone for the day. While you shower, sing your favorite “happy” song; some of my friends sing, “Zippity-Do-Da” to raise their energy. Use whatever works! It doesn’t take much to spiral into depression, so why not use it in reverse-spiral up into a joyful mood!
There are life situations and circumstances that are not of our doing or control; however, we have freewill to control our mood! Some circumstances are difficult to overcome: terminal illness, divorce, job termination, disability; however, it is not the what, but the how we handle these that make the difference in our life! Not, how our neighbor handles it…how We handle it-you-me!
Some things we can never understand! Some things just happen-famine, illness, disaster, rape! We all know good people who have the worst of luck. Why? There is no understanding; it just happens! Yet, the survivors are those that can make it through with a positive outlook! Be the warrior of your life!
Change you mindset; change your life! It starts with you. Only you can change because you want to change! Believe that you are the butterfly in a state of metamorphosis! You are a monarch with a new beginning!

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay
My, oh my, what a wonderful day
Plenty of sunshine headin' my way
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay

Mister Bluebird's on my shoulder
It's the truth, it's actual
Ev'rything is satisfactual
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay
Wonderful feeling, wonderful day, yes sir!

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About Me

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Melinda is a creative, nurturing woman; a self-starter and promoter of things that are good in the world. She who loves to surround herself with the things she loves from people to the smallest of things. She also collects artwork throughout her travels. She has a burgeoning Native American artifact collection; especially that of Southwest Indians, and most prominently that of Navajo and Hopi Indians. She is a student of Shamanic consciousness, and believes that all are connected through a collective experience. She is an intuitive, Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist, and holds a Masters in Business Administration. Melinda photographs extensively throughout her travels. Her photography is on sold on She is a compliance auditor, and owns a small business to promote artists (Melinda’s Agency- Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally. ~David Frost
