Sunday, January 17, 2010

Seasons of Change

"Behold, I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye..."-Corinthians 15:51

We often want to change, but change is slow, and many times, we either don’t know we need to change or we don’t want to change. Biblical change is the only thing that can change in the twinkling of an eye, all others types of changes take time and discipline. Wouldn’t it be nice if could miraculously become a millionaire in a twinkling of an eye; I suppose this can happen with today’s lottery, and casinos! But lasting physical, emotional, and spiritual change take time.
We discussed some of the changes you may have decided to make in 2010 in our last newsletter. Listed below are The top 10 New Year’s resolutions for 2010:

1. Save money/get out of debt
2. Lose weight
3. Get fit
4. Enjoy life more/be happy
5. Get organized
6. Fall in love
7. Help others
8. Spend more time with family
9. Quit smoking
10. Learn something new
Blair, Gary R. (2010)

What if you don’t know what changes you want to make? Start with what bothers you, what frustrates you, what makes you unhappy. This may help you decide what you need to change. Once you focus on what needs to change, then make goals. Finally, make action plans to complete these goals.
For example, if you want to lose fifty pounds (the goal), you may start by getting up earlier in the morning for a morning walk, buy a gym membership, hire a trainer, or buy a home gym (the action plan). Have a weight loss journal where you keep your body measurements, your weight, and a few daily thoughts (the motivation).
Share your goal(s) with a few close friends. Not everyone needs to know what you are doing or thinking all the time. It is best to save your energy to achieving your goal than to talk about it with anyone who will listen. A good friend can help you stay on track and motivate you.
If one of your goals is to get a better paying job (the goal), search the internet for what’s available; the choices are slim! You may decide it’s best to stay in your current job with today’s economic outlook and job market. Nonetheless, if you find there is a market for your skills, you may need to upgrade your resume. Have mock interview sessions with a friend. Buy a new interview suit. Your meditation may reveal you are happy with everything and everyone in your life as it stands. Good for you; you are lucky and blessed. Remember though, that everything in life changes; seasons change from summer yellow to winter white. People change too. Sometimes they change because they have to; others change because they want to. Accept change as part of life.

God never changes

When Job’s life fell apart, and God was silent, Job still found things he could praise God for:
That he is good and loving.
That he is all-powerful.
That he notices every detail of my life.
That he is in control.
That he has a plan for my life.
That he will save me.
Warren, Rick (2002)

Blair, Gary R. (2010) Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for 2010. Retrieved from

Warren, Rick. (2002). The purpose driven life. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.

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About Me

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Melinda is a creative, nurturing woman; a self-starter and promoter of things that are good in the world. She who loves to surround herself with the things she loves from people to the smallest of things. She also collects artwork throughout her travels. She has a burgeoning Native American artifact collection; especially that of Southwest Indians, and most prominently that of Navajo and Hopi Indians. She is a student of Shamanic consciousness, and believes that all are connected through a collective experience. She is an intuitive, Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist, and holds a Masters in Business Administration. Melinda photographs extensively throughout her travels. Her photography is on sold on She is a compliance auditor, and owns a small business to promote artists (Melinda’s Agency- Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally. ~David Frost
